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our cost reduction model

In transparent operations, there are two stages to delivering true value. The first is direct to source supply, driving manufacture efficiency for the lowest possible cost. The second is new-age investment in R&D and manufacturing data that fundamentally reduces the base cost of equipment.


liquid's pioneering solution in retail supply chains.


value engineering &
international manufacturing

Liquid’s systematic, forensic approach delivers retail projects at the lowest possible cost. Our R&D engineering model gives better production solutions that reduce the base cost of manufacture.


We build in value at the outset, rather than chasing cost saving later on, investing in forensic R&D to deliver much higher ROI's driven by reduced costs.

Cost analysis at the start of a project.

New-age "IKEA" R&D development models.

Local fulfilment and international support.

Data driven, recorded results.

Assisted funding model for clients.

Targeted savings of 10%-30% on standard components and in excess of 30% for specialised supply.

Savings that are a new level of value and

different, by design.

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